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Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Constructivism - P.M.I.

All students must participate by actively engaging in a role
Students can construct wrong idea’s about information
Students previous experiences & their own reflections of those
Students are able to process information in their own way
Students may chose to disregard new information
No evaluation through testing
It allows the students to create their own understanding of the information & knowledge being taught
Students may not participate well in collaborating activities with other students
Students still need to be aware of having to ask questions, explore and assess their knowledge
Group work allows the students to collaborate their ideas for a greater perspective
Students may not be very good at the reflecting process
Students who come from different backgrounds, some of which may be privileged to have had outstanding teachers, committed parents, and rich home environments, could possibly take charge of the activities
Students are able to construct their own understanding of knowledge
Students may clash with different beliefs or past experiences
Teacher’s need to ask “good questions”
Teachers use effective pedagogy by guiding the learning
Students may find it difficult to understand if the information doesn’t match their previous knowledge or experiences
The teacher is continually reassessing the students pre-existing conceptions as well as guiding and building on the students own learning
There is a range of different teaching practises utilised
Collaboration may create a majority versus minority of opinions and conclusions
Most activities are based around experiments and real world problem solving
Students get a chance to reflect on their learning and talk about it

What is to happen if the student has no pre-existing conceptions
The teacher’s are encouraging the student’s to realise how the activity could be used in the learning process

Students use their existing knowledge and experiences to help their learning journey

The classroom has a student focus not teacher focus

Students get to view facts as a dynamic way in which ‘how the world works’ instead of more facts to be memorised

Students have the chance to further explore activities at their own pace or will

Students have control of their own learning process

Students learn not only from a teacher, but also from themselves and peers

Students learn more and enjoy learning when they are actively participating rather than listening or reading

Students are able to think and understand more instead of memorising

Students are able to utilise what they learn in a constructivist’s classroom in other learning environments

Students are able to own what they learn due to the learning based upon their own questions and explorations

Students learn to express knowledge through a variety of ways

Students will know how to apply what they’ve learn to a real-world situation

Students can enhance their social and communication skills

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